The North Carolina Work-Based Learning Association (NCWBLA) is a member-driven, non-profit organization that provides for all North Carolina institutions of higher education, employers, and individuals interested in Work-Based Learning.
NCWBLA was founded on January 1, 1974 and currently has over 40 members. The organization meets annually in the fall and usually hosts a summer mini conference as well.

November 3 – 5 2021
NCWBLA Fall Conference
Caldwell Community College & TI, Boone, NC
Registration Fee – $100 (Virtual or In-person)
Wednesday – Networking event
Thursday – Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks
Friday – Continental Breakfast, Snacks
Grandfather Mountain Tour
NCWBLA T-shirt
2022 Membership Fees
$25 Individual
$40 Bronze (2 members)
$75 Silver (4 members)
$100 Gold (6 members)
Accommodations:Holiday Inn Express
Deadline October 22
1943 Blowing Rock Road
Boone, NC
Conference Code: NCWBLA
$109/night + taxes
Two Ways to Register
Download, complete and submit the registration PDF.
Complete registration using the Paypal option below.
By Mail
Download registration form and submission instructions.
Tentative Agenda
Wednesday, November 3
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Check-in at Holiday Inn Express Lobby, Boone
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Networking Session at Booneshine Brewery, Boone
Thursday, November 4
8:00 AM to 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast/Check-in
CCC&TI Boone, NC
9:00 AM Welcome – Jeanette Nunnery, NCWBLA President
9:15 AM Keynote Speaker: Communicating with Millennials/GenZ
10:15 AM Session 1: Legal Issues and Liabilities for Experiential Learning
11:00 AM Break
11:10 AM Session 2: WBL Best Practices and Problem-Solving Discussion
12 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Grandfather Mountain Tour
Friday, November 5
8:00 AM to 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast/Check-in
CCC&TI Boone, NC
9:00 AM Awards Ceremony
9:15 AM Session 3: Code Revisions and Apprenticeship
10:15 AM Session 4: Compliance Review and Discussion
11:00 AM Break
11:10 AM Business Meeting – Nominations for new officers

2020 Award Winners

The William D. Weston Award
(Outstanding WBL Student of the Year)
Ruth Dobbins,
Human Services Technology student, Gaston College

2020 Outstanding NCWBLA Member of the Year
Antoinette Dickens,
Vance-Granville Community College

Fall Conference 2019